Why Volunteering is the Ultimate Team-Building Experience

When it comes to team building, many businesses often think of activities like escape rooms, trust exercises, or even off-site retreats. But, what if we told you that the best team building event for your business is something that not only brings your team together, but also gives back to your community? That’s right, we’re talking about volunteering!

First and foremost, volunteering as a team allows for a shared sense of purpose and accomplishment. When your team works together to make a positive impact, it helps to build a stronger bond between team members. Plus, knowing that your team’s efforts are making a difference in the community can boost morale and create a sense of pride in your business.

Additionally, volunteering allows team members to see each other in a different light. While working on a project, you’ll see your colleagues step up as leaders, collaborators, problem solvers, and more. It can help you to discover hidden talents and that can be used for the company as well.

Volunteering also provides an opportunity for team members to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things. Whether it’s working on a construction project or helping out at a soup kitchen, everyone has something unique to offer and new skills to learn.

But let’s not forget, the most important thing is that volunteering is FUN. There is nothing quite like working together on a common goal, and seeing the immediate impact of your efforts. Plus, there’s nothing like a little friendly competition to see who can paint the most fence or plant the most flowers. It might sound trivial but it’s a great way to boost the team spirits.

One of the most memorable events where our team volunteered was during a litter picking event. You never know what you will find or where you will find it. Some of the strangest things had been tossed into bushes from jackets to car seats, but the strangest thing that was found was a sex toy inside of a cemetery, vulgar, I know! As inappropriate as that may be, we had a laugh and made some unforgettable memories, which is what it is all about.

Overall, volunteering as a team can provide many benefits for your business, both for your team members and for the community you serve. So next time you’re planning a team building event, consider a volunteer opportunity. Your team, and your community, will thank you!